Saturday, October 11, 2008

From the man of many countries

Now, I hope you will not misunderstand me but this is my meaning. I am a man of many countries and a man of lot of kebabs. Never have I gotten a better Kebab then in Copenhagen, thus, Copenhagen must be the kebab capital of western Europe. Oxford kebabs are not really that good, in fact. that is the most major drawback of Oxford. How are you going to put it into the monster when you can't have a decent kebab?

Á ég að bera ábyrgð á því?


Anonymous said...

uss hvenær er næsta Íslandsferð?

Anonymous said...

Það er sjúklega góður kebab á laugardagsmarkaðnum í Vínarborg... en ég hef enga reynslu af Kaupmannahafnarkebab.

Ásgeir said...

Rústirnar af Íslandi verða sóttar heim í Desember, ég vonast eftir að fá nánari dagsetningu í næstu viku.